Monday, November 7, 2011

Time Will Tell--Nice To Throw Stuff At Walls

"Whereas, the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of corporate and special interests over the interests of United States citizens. Whereas, unlimited private financial contributions within public elections have corrupted the electoral system. Whereas the Congress is unlikely to propose amendments to reverse trends fatal to representative government, it is now self-evident that we, the people of the United States, must utilize the convention clause of Article V in order to propose amendments which affirm and add to rights expressed in the Constitution. We, the Political and Electoral Reform Group of Occupy Wall Street, working with other groups and individuals, shall coordinate actions toward this goal, compelling state representatives and legislatures to call for a convention on the authority of Article V."

Latest language of mission statement--shaped by what others in the group said. I lifted “self-evident” from the DOI, trends/fatal/rep/gov phrase from a President Eisenhower speech.

“Why disregard the Declaration of Independence as the foundational statement for establishing government or fomenting revolution? Corrupt government should be 'altered or abolished.'  What more could a non-violent revolutionary hope for? The DOI sanctions orderly revolution--institutionalized by Article V."

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