Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dear Planet Earth I Love You

God’s blood this storm passing cross California--wintery, the temp/smell causing profound wistfulness. Dear Planet Earth I Love You.

Took a job today on the set of a commercial--make a whole month’s rent in a day. That’s a relief. Yes I have had help recently and certainly at points in the past, but it’s true I really do make colorfield art, and I’ve written a novel, a book of translations, good amount of poems, photography--and I’d be a sculptor if I could--which is really what I am, a sculptor; and a sculptor who fails to make it in the world in terms of being able to have access to a yard with metal and tanks for wielding, and blocks of stone and hardened-metal instruments and hammers, is a very, very strange individual--plain and simple. The people who have helped me over the years really are patrons of the arts. We’d all like to be patron of the arts, right? We all want to be comfortable enough we start scholarship programs we wanted. If you’re human being that’s the coolest thing to be, one who made it out there in the world, then funds the arts.

Anyway, running low at present because all the political science: takes time to answer/make/calls/e-mails--as opposed to out selling books. Time-wise--the time it takes to fight to live another day. It’s funny how selling books and writing time are same in that if you put in an eight hour effort you’re guaranteed profits.

It’s touch and go with the NYC general assembly Article V group. I hope they adopt the latest language. I remembered some language from back in 2005, the “reverse trends fatal to representative government…” language. Love that--from President Eisenhower at commencement, a college in Defiance, Ohio. Such a righteous piece of history.  

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