Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Late Notes

Proposed language for mission statement, sub-group, NYC general assembly:

"Whereas, the Congress has become occupied territory of corporate/special interests. Whereas, the Congress and Supreme Court have deregulated/overturned laws meant to protect the people and society as a whole indicates a non-binding deliberative assembly of state delegates is sorely required at this time. We hereby advocate/call for the Article V Convention in order to propose amendments the legislative branch has failed to. We trust the talent of the American people to offer common sense solutions to various problems evident today, the ratification process shall in due time reveal what proposals they deem worthy."

Haven't been smoking cigarettes since October 3rd. Feels good, back feels good, means surfing this winter. I'm weird when it comes to tobacco, cannabis, or beer. Can turn it on and off depending when it's time to get work done, or enjoy fruits of labors. Tonight I ran down to the store to grab a six-pac of beer so that by the time I was on the second or third, hopefully I flowed with words on a local radio show, talking convention. People say it went pretty good.

Will I ever get back to original creative works? Or at least translation of Othello/R&J? Life :)

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