Sunday, December 3, 2023


 Due to concerning circumstance I sought my dog-eared copy of teachings by my favorite teacher; flipping randomly to highlighted passages was this, a timely reminder: "Never value anything as profitable to ourselves which shall compel us to break our promise, to lose our self-respect, to hate anyone, to suspect, to curse, to act the hypocrite, to desire anything which needs walls and curtains: for we who prefer to everything else our own intelligence and spirit in the worship of its excellence acts no tragic part, does not groan, will not need either solitude or much company, but chief of all will live without either pursuing or flying from death; whether for a longer or shorter time we have our spirit enclosed in a body, we care not at all: for even if we must depart immediately, we will go as readily as if going to anything which can be done with decency and order. Take care of this only all through life, that our thoughts not turn away from anything which belongs to an intelligent animal and member of a community." --Marcus Aurelius

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