Monday, April 16, 2012

Road Trip

Voltaire, in the 1700s, was the first writer to use the “visitor from another planet” analogy: as if you were looking down on Earth, maybe reviewing its history, cosmic eavesdropping on what was taking place. I’ve used that frame often when thinking about what ought to be happening here on the globe, based on all we know to be true.

After the fundraiser with Sheriffs Lopey and Mack, and after I got back from DC, I figured I’d wait a bit before heading up to northern California, to start visiting sheriff offices instead of just an e-mail or phone call. Turns out there’s a panel discussion Saturday with a handful at the same event. If I can get just one to see what the plan is, or ought to be, based on all we know to be true at this point, then we’ll move on to the next step. If not, I’m not sure it’s possible, or that it would have to be some sort of divine intervention. It's all very confusing, I'm trusting no one but myself in regards to these matters, and I think they'll make for a decent final chapter to a novel. Time will tell. For now, it's about seven hundred miles to the top of California, selling Shakespeare along the way. Naturally ;)

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