Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dear Sun

Dear Sun, why? Shouldn’t this have been disposed of months ago? Why do I now have to drive to certain counties in Northern California in hopes of finding one or more sheriffs to begin taking tactical steps if honest and sincere?

The fundraiser was what I expected, Mack is either an operative or of lower intelligence, though I was able to speak with Sheriff Lopey at length, and I hope it’s dawning on him this very weekend what we discussed. I hope it’s him, Wilson, Lutze, and D’Agostini that do it. I’ll wait a week or so, then I’m driving up to see if they’re going to protect/defend/preserve Article V. And at the first sign of mental reservations, I’ll note such, then cuss them out for failing their oath.

I’ll admit, political science is not as much work as creative writing, I don’t feel a little dizzy at the end of the day, politically strategizing, as I do working on a play or novel. But I like that dizzy feeling after a great day of creative work a lot more than the kind of feeling the ruminating hunt for justice causes. I’m afraid I’m now too old to do both effectively in a single day. I used to do that ten years and more ago. Haha. I love you and hope you like what I’m doing.

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