Sunday, October 23, 2011

News From The Front

I’m here at a Denny’s in one of the nicest places, hoping my compatriot has the hacking savvy to break into my own forum on my own website. What happened is, back in 2009 I had joined a group pushing for a convention and wound up with a domain and forum. Someone from the group, who I talked with over the phone, and who helped set it up, is now nowhere to be found and the passwords are messed up.

This last month was intense. Is OWS going to morph into a convention? That would be great. I’m on the subgroup of a subgroup of the general assembly. Their thread is to discuss the convention clause.

Tea Party Patriots or OccupyWallSt or something else, 80-90% of us are ready for change, to exercise the ultimate right--Alter and Abolish. We want to change the status quo, and a convention on authority of the Constitution is designed to do just that. If we want to leave where we are now, and Article V is the vehicle to get us out of here, why would we not lay down whatever else we were working on and begin working for the Constitution? The state applications on record have satisfied the call, it’s now just a matter of us wanting it enough.

A convention is dangerous to the status quo because discussion is opened up, and delegates backed by corporations will be exposed for who they are by what they say--nothing significant--because the whole show is about how to shift power and they currently control it all. A convention is unicameral, not bi-cameral, and all proposals are voted 2/3 up or down.

How much altering and abolishing would the country do? The ratification process will tell us. What proposals will achieve seventy-five percent approval? Already 90%+ desire removing private money from public elections, so we know we can count on electoral reform coming out of a convention.

However you characterize the status quo, based on information you’ve processed in amount of time lived, the overwhelming majority want to leave where we currently are--where multinational corporations write their own legislation with unlimited funding of elections.

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