Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Late Notes

Guess it’s happened, finally gone mad. All I can do is talk convention. If aliens came to Earth, beamed me up, they’d spit me back out not wanting to hear any more. Fourteen months till the end of a 5,200 cycle and the beginning of a new one? A lot can happen in fourteen months. Great time to be alive :) I'm feeling like we'll pull it off. Time will tell.

I really can’t believe what’s happened. Tonight I did a local access cable show where I squared off with a local political person. I told him, the Tea Party Patriots and OWS are two ends of the American political spectrum both expressing the same thing: a dissatisfation with the status quo. The one side sees the problem as an overreaching government, the other as a corporate government.

Well, as it turns out, if you live in America and you’re upset with the status quo (for whatever reason), you tell your state rep you want a convention. Then if a enough people in the state say they want a convention, the state legislature casts an application for a convention to the Congress (Congress: the legislative branch--the first branch, representing the people, who government on these shores exists to serve). That’s the way it’s supposed to work here in America.

Will things change? I don’t know--all I know is that for the narrative of humanity to be romantic there has to be at least one madman running around talking convention. Requirement met, now just a matter of making sure key people take the torch, carry it forward.

In case you didn't see them, two videos: one I made, one I paid to get a copy of in case it was important (probably most important to me--I have proof I tried).

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