Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I taped a segment for a local cable channel tonight, talking about Shakespeare and the book. It went well, even the techs were saying afterwards how much they enjoyed it. I thought I was going to be nervous, but wasn’t. Reading the famous “To be or not to be…” soliloquy I did stumble over a word. Ugh. Anyway, glad it’s in the can.

So--Boston--the conference at Harvard. I really hope to get a nice documentary out of it. I’m trying to think of how to make it like a bolt of lightning. It’s not surprising in this day and age where we’ve all become so disneyified, a bunch of balloon-heads, that discussion of a convention is somehow a yawn-fest. I mean, as human beings what other subject is more exciting than peaceful revolution? We’re all Hamlet, we’re all players on a stage of corruption--although many don’t know it--and rightly so with half a century or more of purposeful dumbing-down. What better slave than one which thinks it’s free?

We’ll see what unfolds, I have my little Leica camera and tri-pod, so we'll see how it holds up sound-wise. A couple of loose ends to tie up tomorrow, then on a jet plane Thursday. And I know I haven’t posted photos here like I promised I would, but maybe this trip I’ll figure it out and get it done--time permitting--wish me luck.

P.S. Note the new photo for the blog. Typed "Rider, horse dog" into a Google search of images and found it. So cool!

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