Saturday, September 3, 2011

Oh Sun, what has happened? I’m off on a fourth leg of the book tour--Tour de Hamlet--as one mermaid called it. I have some domestic issues I’m dealing with, fellow tenants and all that. No fun, but making for great material. Can’t get on the road again till next Tuesday night/Wednesday morn. But really stoked on the book: sometimes beach town cougar moms buy translations and novels and leave tips on checks. I really do need to sell harder--meaning put in extra hours, and not be lazy--but you know that. Some who buy it are really excited to find out what Hamlet and Macbeth are about. I wish the eBook for the novel would come along sooner. Hopefully the Hamlet/Macbeth eBook is good to go. Other than that, I don’t know. Oh wait, someone read the Shakespeare book--someone who had bought it passed it on to a famliy member--an older Shakespeare knower--and this morning he told me the story of Anthony and Cleopatra. One of the generals to Alexander, Ptolomey, was given Egypt to rule. Many years later a great grandchild was Cleopatra. She was not Egyptian, but Greek. What happened, and what still happens today, influences where humanity will be years from now. You knew that. The universe willing, see you in the morning. Or maybe later if the marine layer is feeling feisty.

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