Monday, January 20, 2025

Dear Diary

 Here in Lone Pine, California at an inexpensive motel. More minor disappointments, so just had to bolt to the desert to reset. Two new bars here in town, so gonna walk down the street, see if I can sell some art or trade for beer/dinner. Tomorrow, up to my writing cave in the high desert near Darwin. Late afternoon sunlight on mountain peaks never fails to make me happy. Driving up was thinking/feeling the need to write to my muse and what I'd want her to know; just to say it.... The website Society 6 seems kind of lame the way it's set up; thought people could just type in ColorfieldArts and see all the colors available. Maybe I need to upgrade? Don't know. Still haven't heard from after wasn't sent temp password to set up there.... Looks like I'm back to substitute teaching soon, or maybe I find a pier in the south bay, sell to well-to-do young people. Not sure. Did some good work on the novel. Maybe I should set a date and whatever I have then I have to publish and let it go; or maybe I publish what I got, so it's out there, and hammer away at a finer version.

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