Friday, March 8, 2024

Recent Dog Dreams (revised)

Recent Dog Dreams
Last night was another dream with dogs in it—
the second within a week. At first
they were small dogs—
all silky fur—and one might've been a fox—
I remember wondering,
gently running finger tips along
its out-stretched body
upon the dirt-grassed ground—
is this even a dog?
All were docile,
loving me, loving them;
a firm massage at the jowls
which they love so much.
The one last night was somewhere in a public space,
maybe a high school during teacher/parent night,
a hall where some had brought their canines;
and as came near, I greeted them in my dog voice
and set about that massage at the jowls,
telling them they're beautiful and the best—
“You da best—you da best.”
And then another wanted attention,
and a third, and others, and next in line,
seeing me looking to them, did a bow
leaving paws in front, arching back in a stretch—
a setter of some type,
feathered hair auburn and gray,
eyes watering with love.

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