Friday, January 19, 2024

Late note

 I used to substitute teach for SBUnified in the 00s, and have recently gone through LifeScan/updated vaccination/reissue of credential from CTC. As a poet and educator I strongly believe that teaching poetry is a sure way to wire the brain to imaginative thinking and reasoned thought in general. If there is time, or the teacher allows, I always ask if anyone wants to write a poem. Today three seventh graders at a local Junior High took me up on it; I said it didn’t have to rhyme, just two or three sentences on the topic: The Future. The following three poems, in no order, emerged; simultaneously sad and inspiring:


Ashy skies paint our eyes gray,

our leaders fanning a fire.

Sparks flicker, light, and burn.


Clouds burn red,

technology rebels in the street.

What have we done?


Don’t be afraid to discover something new,

each experience, a benefit to you.

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