Sunday, March 26, 2023


 1) I think, therefore I am; and because I’m thinking, I know I exist with an individual consciousness.

1.a) Although uncertain whether I had choice, I know I exist as an individual, and I know other such individuals exist.

1.b) As conscious individual along with others, I am embarked (to start) on an enterprise of consciousness, now in progress, whether I prefer it or not.

2) In the enterprise of consciousness, I know an infant consciousness will perish because it does not yet know how to sustain itself; and the aphorism—You can’t get where you want to be until first knowing where you’re at. I also know individuals have perished, not for lack of resources, but for not knowing how to reach/utilize them. I also know individuals have perished because they didn’t know what they were doing would kill them.

2. a) Knowledge is a matter of life and death at all times and the most important thing to an individual embarked on present enterprise of consciousness.

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