Sunday, March 26, 2023


 1) I think, therefore I am; and because I’m thinking, I know I exist with an individual consciousness.

1.a) Although uncertain whether I had choice, I know I exist as an individual, and I know other such individuals exist.

1.b) As conscious individual along with others, I am embarked (to start) on an enterprise of consciousness, now in progress, whether I prefer it or not.

2) In the enterprise of consciousness, I know an infant consciousness will perish because it does not yet know how to sustain itself; and the aphorism—You can’t get where you want to be until first knowing where you’re at. I also know individuals have perished, not for lack of resources, but for not knowing how to reach/utilize them. I also know individuals have perished because they didn’t know what they were doing would kill them.

2. a) Knowledge is a matter of life and death at all times and the most important thing to an individual embarked on present enterprise of consciousness.

Thursday, March 23, 2023



if the majority choose to stay here, mathematically, existence is positive. If existence is positive, harm can be determined as that which thwarts or destroys existence; and all subjective morality found as such.

Friday, March 17, 2023


 We're here because we want to be (otherwise we'd kill ourselves). That 2% of humans kill themselves is proof existence is good, otherwise humanity would have ceased to exist for the majority not wanting to exist. If the statement Existence Is Good is true, as true as sunlight or numbers, true harm can then be determined accordingly and all moral arguments based on subjectivity found as such.


It all comes down to the two emotions
of love and fear—everything originates from there.
And these two avenues we traverse between,
running through the number of faiths
that have haunted humanity,
imply there’s some kind of impeccable dream—
something inscrutable and meant to test
the justness of a being—someone set
within a universe never ceasing to transform;
where comets hurtle through
the spiral of a galaxy,
and the moon can appear as a crescent
as we descend to the street,
to walk out into the bustle,
star players in the drama of potential.

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) and Galaxy NGC 1637 2023-03-10 20:53 UTC Canaries Tel CDK20 f/2.2 FOV 32.5 x 33.9 arcmin Exp 3 x 60s Luminance RGB 50s each orientation North Up East Left @ Nirmal Paul

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Sunday, March 12, 2023

I need to figure out modal logic

I need to figure out modal logic, the language of expressing objective truth: It will look like this: I think, therefore I am i.e. I'm experiencing consciousness, therefore I know I exist. I also know other beings exist along with me, and of all of them, only 2% decide not to be here (suicide). Therefore I know existence is good/positive otherwise humanity would have ceased to exist for the majority of beings deciding to not exist. In metaphor if existence is a theatre, the house is always packed.
If existence is good then harm is defined by unnecessary actions/inactions thwarting existence. Once harm is identified under that rubric, all moral arguments are brought from any subjectivity into objectivity--where is the harm occurring, and does it harm existence, which is good.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Pelicans in the night



 The philosophic principle Do No Harm guts all moral arguments.

In taking Do No Harm to mean that when approaching a philosophical question or moral argument, if you first establish where harm (if any) is occurring, you can then gut arguments based subjective defaults i.e. morality.