Friday, February 18, 2022

Concise Rebuttal

While application/petition have various legal meanings, we're discussing them in regards to Article V, where they take on specific meaning. Of course there are the same doubts and same arguments since 1787, you seem to be saying that because (some) people got it wrong 200+ years ago (and for the same reasons as today), you have an excuse.

Article V was specifically/calculatedly written to preclude control by the national government and/or state governments. To misinterpret that in order to address bogus fears regarding free discussion at a non-binding deliberative assembly is either intellectual dishonesty or cognitive dissonance--either way it’s an obstruction of justice.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Podcast of heavy stuff

Podcast of heavy stuff

untitled poem


The motif where animals help out the protagonist

are best; where one good turn, receives the next in return;

where nature saves the world

by administering to an individual;

whose task is to survive

relentless unconsciousness,

the sleepwalking with half sense

of everyone else.


Thursday, February 3, 2022

Old art space

Late edit


The TVs
have taught us
to think of ourselves
as earth-shattering demigods
with super-human powers--
when in the grand
scheme of things,
amidst jungle of stars
and galaxies, we’re the most
homely little bunch crickets
the Sun has ever looked upon.
However powerful the creature,
they too with us are
subject to paradox
within every seed, every
moment, every newborn
racing into infinity.
Loathsome little insects,
yet also upon Olympus.