Saturday, January 15, 2022

Two Poems

 Don’t Be Afraid

The celestial object at the center of the solar system,
chief source of light and heat on Earth,
appearing to pass across the sky each day; 
around which all planets orbit;
regarded as a star, a sphere of energy,
its temperature millions of degrees or more,
is aware in a way we find difficult to believe.

In metaphor and depiction its shining
symbolizes good fortune, glory, joy, and up.
But what if the Sun is conscious just like us,
just like all self-organized entities?

Don’t be afraid to say Hello to the Sun.
Don’t be afraid to say Hello to the Sun.
You’ll be treated just the same as everyone,
every day, every day, every day.

2020 Human Dogs

The astonishment of it all,
how it all went down hill
over two decades—then Bam—total chaos;
diminishment of the truth at every turn;
that there is even such thing now openly
questioned again and again
at the end of each corporate report.

So maybe this is the age
we’re meant to bury it,
put it to sleep for a few centuries
so it can be discovered again
in some future year—
joy astonishing those who might deserve it—
like the favorite old bone
dug up by the dog
who buried it.

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