Friday, March 20, 2020

A Solid Ten Years

We’ve had a solid ten years or more of blockbuster movies about this, and you really believe we’re just somehow fumbling as a nation? Look at it this way, back in the 1950s, when we were afraid of Russia killing us with nukes, we had a response engineered down to a button of deployment: if attacked, a button was pressed in response. So naturally if we’re all Americans, and we’ve all watched these virus movies the past ten years and more, how is it we never completed building the button for this type of attack? One where whole hospitals are popped up on a moment’s notice. You really believe America has failed to have a button for this in place? No, sorry, the writing on the wall is a plan by a certain group of people to make sure we didn't have it dialed in, and then take control in the chaos. How? Easy. Just interview someone like Bill Gates, warning us on mainstream media, then have all the politicians in Congress and the executive branch act like they didn't get it, or the movies, or all the other bells and whistles. If the bad guys win, game well played I guess. If they don’t, they’re caught above ground, and We The People will probably be making them do hard labor every day for years. Like, when we put them all on trial, one after the other, and we vote on their fate just like we voted for American Idol. Going to be a lot of politicians on that list, going to be a lot of celebrities and media people on that list, going to be others. I myself will vote against execution, but I'm not sure most of them will escape a death sentence from the American people once informed about the agenda people like Bezos signed on to. I could be wrong about all of it. Time will tell. In the meantime, peace, love, and all alohas.

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