Sunday, March 26, 2017

Late political note

Email sent today to a dozen sheriffs I spoke with in Reno.


I learned a lot at Reno and needed about a week to process it. I then sent a follow-up email to Sheriff Mascher regarding our brief conversation there. I've not heard back, so sending this to him and sheriffs I've known and/or spoke with in Reno.

Boring as it may sound, the right of the whole to formally discuss change is what makes us who we are, and unless you’re talking a different Earth and USA, a different Constitution and office of county sheriff, there is no other peaceable way out of our predicament. We are currently being denied what is essential to our survival as a free society, and the hard line, based on fact and law, is that a sheriff can detain a member of Congress until the 115th carries out its ministerial duty and issues the call. That’s the hard line, yet Representative Messer’s staff (6th District Indiana) recently said they’re attempting to revive HR 5306 for our new Congress, so perhaps a softer approach would be for sheriffs, as signatories to a proclamation, to declare they’re aware of the situation and monitoring it.

While speaking with Sheriff D’Agostini for the third time over the years, he recounted how someone from his community requested to be let out the back after being booked. He said it doesn’t matter who you are, everyone leaves out the front. In that same spirit, it doesn’t matter who you are, ignorance of law is no excuse in breaking it. Every member of the 115th Congress is currently engaged in federal criminal activity by failing the instruction of Article V.

If, as sheriff, your reluctance is because you believe a convention opens the Constitution to special interests, remember, the only thing that can change anything is the general will of the whole, and there is nothing any special interest group can propose that will appeal to seven out of ten Americans. A convention is merely the formal discussion of things Americans discuss informally every day.

Maybe you can’t hear me now, maybe an epiphany later this year, but if I return to update sheriffs next year I hope I can garner enough respect so as to not have security set upon me. Make no mistake, if put to a vote, I’d vote the hard line. Members of the 115th Congress are not above the law and history says there are consequences if no action is taken. You happen to be the latest holder of your office. The oath doesn’t come with an instruction manual. There has to be something the WSSA can do in this situation.

Sincerely, John De Herrera

How Congress is instructed to view the issue:
Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives:

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