Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Late Poems


Once you’ve heard them,
some quotes just seem to bob
there in the background
of mindfulness,
like so much flotsam/jetsam,
like one from a many years-ago interview
of a famous artist who said
without a flinch—
we’re here to break each other’s hearts.


There is life and there are mistakes,
some more hurtful than others,
and certain ones such that someone,
or two or more,
cry, and can’t sleep;
the color of life gone, gone away,
the harrowing, hollow gray, gray, gray.

Only words can restore the hue
you were used to before the universe
enfolded and removed;
the words “What I remember happening,”
and “that’s why I said and did that,”
must be tracked to the last detail
in order to convert a mistake
into that thing
no longer worth an ache,
and remind us why
an emotion ill-expressed
is not the focus.

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