Friday, March 20, 2015

Late Notes

Well, the caveat to beware battling monsters so that one does not become a monster themselves has reached its zenith I suppose. I know that the events since 2012 have gotten myself to this level on monsterdom. We recently had the 114th Congress initiate a rule to begin counting state applications for a convention, and with that, one might think other politically minded and/or socially conscious citizens would finally join the battle. There are groups calling for a convention, but of their own design, none calling for the one which adheres to the rule of law.

The monster I’ve become wakes up to check email and Facebook for Article V notices, then attempts to battle the ignorance and/or deception. I remember that back in 2008, when I joined Facebook, I saw how it was set up and vowed to save it for friends and family and fun, not Article V—at that time I was only in my seventh year of fighting for a convention and knew more had to be fought. I didn’t know how many more, but I knew enough to leave Facebook for after we won a convention. But then, as I feared would happen, I waded into the quagmire of political postings including things that would appear condescending and/or delusional—things, words, to stoke my conviction in the face of so much ignorance and/or apathy. How do you be serious about the truth in a day and age of purposeful misinformation, and then playful the next, and all to an audience of many sensibilities? I’m not posting this so I don’t spend another thought wondering if I should have said something. What people do with information is their business, and in this day and age, where the information at hand is anti-status quo, what else should one expect? Ten years of being serious about something that appears so remote a possibility, and now, a peak of sunlight over the horizon and no one from the mainstream stepping forward to acknowledge it—naturally that would be cause for indignation and/or bitterness. I struggle with those feelings, but I think I’m more sad than anything. And not sad for myself but sad we as a species didn’t win our freedom—or—are so afraid of our freedom that we would leave things in the hands of corporate robot people.

Luckily my love of the Sun and Earth persists, though it would be nice to have a woman to share that beauty with, a friend to hold a discussion or conversation with, while walking along a mountainside, or paddling out into the ocean. But how can a woman respect something they can’t see?

Anyway, things will come to a head soon I hope—meaning that the Congress will be forced to acknowledge the situation—if only to twist it into more nonsense. At that point I will finally be able to leave the struggle in the past and salvage what I have left of my life as a writer and artist. Wish us luck at the Marrianne Williamson event, SisterGiant3. Senator Sanders will be there, who I hope to address. If there is a Q&A and I can get in a word, maybe that will be that moment collectively that Emerson talks about, where we had been staring something right in the face, finally see it, and be amazed we had never seen it up until then. That would be fantastic. Cheers.

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