Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Late Notes: Letter to the ASL, Surfing, and the Novel

Let's see: I'm grateful for all the things the universe has allowed me, and I hope I've not screwed things up too badly.

I've gotten back from New Mexico after being there for four months as the writer in residence at the Frank Waters Foundation. I'm surfing and getting back in shape while working on the novel, my office is "the pit" down at Rincon Point.

The political science project has taken new turns and now a group of state legislators are set to create rules for the Article V Convention. I am in touch with three of them, trying to get them to understand that the convention must be bound by the same laws, rules, and procedures as the Congress in the process of proposal. It is an open letter, but OpEd News editors changed the title to A Letter to ASL (Assembly of State Legislatures).

Open Letter to ASL

Come to Rincon and as you walk onto the beach look to your left and you'll see a tiki hut with surfers about. I'll either be out in the water or at the bench writing or playing chess in the shade. Hope to have a completed manuscript by spring.

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