Thursday, January 9, 2014


In 1963 there was a book published, in the forward the anthropologist who authored it, mentioned how the possibility of the book was only because of the right people in place at that moment in history. The Hopi Elders had decided to allow him and White Bear to take down and translate their prophecy, Book of the Hopi. I had tried to read it twenty some years ago, but saw it as primitive myth, then tried to read it in 2002, even when I understood the significance alongside the 2012/Maya stuff. Serendipity had the book in my hand yesterday, and I've been able to read it, and will be reading it. I like how the Hopi see the Sun as their father, and the creator. I'm a Sun worshiper too. I believe the Sun is conscious, and is there for us, without fail. I'll believe that over the Judeo/Christian/Islamic framing of existence any day.

Note dog in frame, name, Lucky

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