Thursday, June 13, 2013

Welcome Change

I got so frustrated with things, that I decided to go on a fast. I'm going on my sixth day today. The first three were kind of tough, but mostly because I had a headache up behind my left eye for all of day two and three. It was pretty tough, but now I feel fine and see how I could go for days and days. Not sure though.

I drink water with slices of lemon in it, and green tea, and grapefruit juice. I also just found out that if I eat a clove of garlic raw, to the point it burns the mouth, then drink hot green tea, it creates the effect of drinking a savory broth. When I'm done fasting, I'm looking forward to eating less, and eating better, maybe even making fasting a regular thing.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my life now. I finished a play, but wonder if it's possible to be staged in this day and age. Sending it out now. I know I want a sequel to my novel. I guess I'll chip away at it until I'm fifty, and have the epiphany align with the Steppenwolf stuff, and how I looked at the age of fifty from my twenties, and how I see it now that I'm living it. I want to take another look at how Harry Haller viewed it, and compare and contrast it to my experience.

Sure would be nice to see some real change in the world. Time will tell.

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