Sunday, November 11, 2012

Late Notes, November 2012

I've been working hard. Went out to Las Vegas to another Constitutional Sheriff convention in September, made more connections, and am going to let them sit until next year. I have a couple of other angles too, but all that I'll let fly somewhere late Winter/early Spring? We'll see.

I've moved up into the mountains above Montecito and feel very blessed for the Universe to have unfolded in such a way. I've been writing as much as I can, and am really, really close to finishing a work I had written up four or five years ago. I knew there was something there, and I knew there was something wrong with it. Over the month of October I cracked the problem and began to break it down. It's a play, and I think it's really worth staging. Before I focus on final touches, I have a magazine piece I've been commissioned to do, then back to the play, then I'm going to finish the How I Became A God essay.

Now that I can post photos from my phone to the blog I'll be doing that too. Stay tuned....

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