Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Late Notes

Wanna hear a facebook story? A childhood friend who had gone on to some success in the music world (a hit rock album in the 90s), over the past two years or so, put up his late tracks/videos of his band. I’d been meaning to listen and comment to his latest stuff, finally got around to it, and suggested he get a young singer to belt out his tunes, while he focused on songwriting and his own rad guitar playing. He defriended me. I actually woke up today thinking about maybe commenting again, letting him know it was just a thought, wishing him all the best this year. But the comment was gone and so was he. I wish he would’ve had some retort or something I could have worked off, redirected, but instead, silence. Still wish him the best, hope I hear his guitar over the radio, and he sells many records.

I’m very involved in trying to figure out how to crack the political science nut. We’re so close with NYCGA. Why the admin/mods of PAER are so covetous of the OWS brand, I can only guess, we could really be using it right now, just as a working group. Arizona is casting a new application for a convention. I hope I’m wrong and this isn’t just another UFPJ scenario, like back in 2004. Time will tell.

Was finally able to get all excerpts for the next novel together. Pieces large and small were strewn over a number of different files, so today I created one titled NovelSequel and dumped ‘em all in there. It’s going to be a sequel to the first novel, but will write it as a stand-alone piece, like if someone finds it on a coffee-house bookshelf they won’t have to have read the first one.

Also have been able to read a few plays, I still have a burning to write them too, though the novel is starting to bang pretty loud, so don't know. But while sorting through files for the novel, also created one for all my scripts/plays and fragments.

In the meantime, I can’t believe where I’ve landed. I’m living in the most perfect place for a guy like me. I put my bed up on cinder-blocks so when I go to sleep/wake up I’m looking right down on the Santa Barbara Channel and Santa Cruz Island across the way. The last few days have been glassy heaven. Today it started out that way and then for a time I saw a fog bank move in. Beautiful.

Such extraordinary times we live. I love you and am wishing you the best.

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