Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Note On An Unseasonably Cool Day

Now that the Hamlet/Macbeth book is done, I wanted to get back to a new novel. Working on it the past couple days, but just realized today, smarter to translate Othello and Romeo and Juliet first. Then the new novel.

I wonder if I can write a novel and plays at the same time. I think it's possible.

The political science project may be at an end. It’s unbelievable that OathKeepers, the group which gets military/police officers to affirm their oath to protect/defend the Constitution--that they can’t see the irony in them saying a convention is dangerous. A person professing to want the Constitution obeyed, and somehow a constitutionally mandated convention is dangerous? How does that happen in someone's brain?

Some guy who ran a populist website five/six years ago published some political pieces I wrote. Then a couple weekends ago I was asked to speak to a Tea Party group in Orange County, and that same guy from years before was there. He runs the Tenth Amendment Center now. He’s leading a group that call themselves Tenthers. They want the states to nullify federal laws (which got me thinking, what if you could find a state to nullify federal cannabis laws? Any state that did would become wealthy--a cannabis industry suddenly emerging would be a good strike against the corporate status quo, maybe a fatal one). Of course you know what I think--we need a federal convention.

Anyway, the guy from the past is holding a big political gathering in downtown LA. How did he have money back then? How does he have money now? The Tenthers and OathKeepers will be there. I'm going to have fun seeing what the response is while getting signatures for the initiative.

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