Wednesday, May 22, 2024

starting tomorrow

 They're having a student convention starting tomorrow at ASU, sent an email yesterday, and will be there as a guest; driving to Phoenix after dropping a friend at LAX; like that it's a straight shot on the 10, 400 miles. Pretty excited to see what I can see.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

subversive art political project (2008)



    It was the 1970s, and it was a suburban TV room where several adults had gathered to watch a debate between the nation’s two foremost intellectuals from right and left. Standing there as a kid I saw two men on a screen saying things I couldn’t understand, and a room full of adults with gazes locked, hanging on their every word, occasionally erupting into rebukes or bravos. I asked my mother about it the next day.

     “Oh, that was politics.”

     “What’s that?”

     “It’s how we find out where to go next. People debate where we are now, as a society and a civilization, and from that discussion we decide which way to vote on election day.”

    The first thought was wanting to be part of that conversation, the second thought was that it would have to wait until I got older because I was too young.

Thursday, May 16, 2024


there was an actress named Susan Oliver; a single-faceted documentary about her you can see for free online: The Green Girl.

She wrote a book titled, Odyssey: A Transatlantic Journey. Tough to find--drove down to the cinematic library at USC to see a copy, but couldn't fork the $200 for Friends of the Library to check it out. Luckily turned out a copy was right up the way at the LA Central library. Such a great read. Note to those looking for interesting material.

And most astonishing, is that in saying she wrote every damn word herself, with an exclamation mark; as a writer myself and reader of many books, it is masterfully told. Hope they make a movie.

Some recovered 00s photos




To be in a trance means to be

in a psychic paralysis;

mysterious reason,

or just not wanting

the blood to run cold.

Sleeping is so nice

in a world gone mad;

wake us when it’s over—

just not now.