Wednesday, October 25, 2023



There is Sun,

there is Earth—

where below

the firmaments

there is belief;

a realm where

miracles and magic


Sunday, October 22, 2023


 The Local Cat

When the local cat
walks out of the tall grass,
deep from the back yard—
furry mammal in its mouth—
bringing it unto you,
sitting drink in hand,
reveling the last Sun
rising off the top of the big,
old trees—a gift from the lions,
is a sweet gift.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

1983 Psychiatric Test

 At age eighteen someone found me passed out on pills and I woke in an upscale psych hospital and while there took an IQ test that lasted a couple of days--tons of different questions, tons of different puzzles and tons of different mental tasks, sorting cartoons in the right narrative order and the like. The one I remember most was when the psychiatrist said twenty different words, and then you'd repeat back all you could remember. On the third try got them all and doctor said he'd never had anyone else do so. The other thing I remember was a question about world religion, what the foundational book to a particular religion was, and it was right there, but didn't answer in time, and when told said, "Damn, I knew that!" A couple days after the test and evaluation, the staff looked at me like I was from Mars, and they never would tell me how I scored.

Thursday, October 12, 2023