Wednesday, May 24, 2023


Apex predators slammed the hull
of the boat sailing the Strait of Morocco.
The larger matriarch supervising while two others
hit rudders with blows, imitating her taught tactic;
local coast guards rescuing crews from sinking vessels.
The papers say a traumatized whale started the behavior,
a moment of pain making them aggressive,
but really it’s them being finally pissed at us,
what with all the unnecessary noise and such;
the behavior would've been present long ago
if the scientists were right,
but first reports began May 2020.
Remember that year,
the northwestern tip of Spain had to ban sailing.
Assaults have become increasingly frequent,
busting the rudder,
moving on when the job is done.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

untitled poem


Van Gogh
once dashed
a ceramic elephant
he’d made
upon the floor,
in response to
his mother
remarking she
liked it.

So many reasons
a child might mark
the narrative like that,
though in the case of the artist
it’s likely the adult
not paying attention (enough);
it’s them
saying you
haven’t seen anything yet,
cutting through
the sleep walking,
what burns inside
yet recognized.

Do you burn inside
each waking moment,
psychic aperture
wide open to universe?
Consuming objective truth
every waking moment?

Probably not.
Please be kind
to artists.

Late Sun 5/20/23

Save Your Tears, The Weekend

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Wednesday, May 10, 2023



The story of Prince Hamlet
is of an individual
forced to play dumb
upon a stage of corruption--
in so many words,
words, words,
we are all royalty.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


 To Z. Grey

To bear up under loss,

to fight the bitterness over defeat

and the weakness from grief—

to smile when tears are close;

to be victor over anger

and resistant to base instincts

of ignorant animals—

to hate hate and to love love,

going on when it seems good to die;

to persist in the glorious dream 

with unquenchable faith in

its evermore and about to be—

what any person can do

and so be great.