Tuesday, August 30, 2022


“Smart people learn quickly, stupid people learn slowly, right?”
“Yeah, so?”
“So, to learn is to attain wisdom; that’s why we say someone is stupid when they repeat the same mistake over and over.”
“That, or they’re just self-destructive.”
“I’m just saying that when someone says something wise, it just means they’re smart. You have to be smart to be wise.”
“OK, so?”
“So what about the adults still invested in a two-party system with over a decade of rulings and congressional inaction to render it inauthentic and meaningless?”
“It means they’re dumb, or they know the system is rigged; and they’re just playing dumb, knowing they’re part of it.”
“They’re fat and happy.”
“Yeah, so what’s your point?”
“Nothing, just that.”

"If we're meant to learn, then the meaning of life is to know."

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Chief Joseph Poem

When a great vision is needed,
the person who has it
must pursue it
like an eagle
into the deepest blue
of sky.

Thursday, August 11, 2022



When in times

the truth is a butterfly;

doubt not its destination, 

deny not its arrival.