Saturday, May 28, 2022


The poem will rarely be,

as this one is,

about you directly;

mostly it will be of something

that temporarily

arrests the attention,

and the profundity

or irony

or hilariousness

it elicits.

It will rarely be about you,

but you will always

be some of the inspiration

within it.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Old song

Pueblo People



 "You can't beat death, but you can beat death in life."

--Chuck Bukowski

14x17” carbon abstraction

Monday, May 2, 2022

Untitled poem


Walking the campus just after

it’s officially evening on a Friday,

sunlight still visible in the

high reaches of the tallest trees and

library tower.

At once lonesome and heavenly

knowing the rest of the world was

spinning more wildly with

all those students

burning the last of the day

before big plans

later the night.

Just inside,

and to the floor

with the book

I wanted to hold,

I read that the color scientist

uses a block of 100%

barium sulfate,

a white crystal,

insoluble in water, 

as background

for all work.

Walking back

to the car amidst dusk,

I wondered

if you’re

loving the

mid-spring too.