Sunday, January 5, 2020

Poem For The Sun

The celestial object at the center of the solar system,
chief source of light and heat on Earth,
appearing to pass across the sky each day; 
around which all planets orbit;
regarded as a star, a sphere of energy,

a self-organized entity,
its temperature
millions of degrees or more.
In metaphor and depiction in which its shining
is represented symbolizes glory, joy, good fortune, etc.
But what if the Sun is conscious just like you and me?
Then what?
Don’t be afraid to say Hello to the Sun.
Don’t be afraid to say Hello to the Sun.
You’ll be treated just the same as everyone,
every day, every day, every day.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Blue horizon colorfield

Mars colorfield

Deep blue cube colorfield

Strawberry colorfield

Deep blue colorfield

Blue colorfield

Berry colorfield

Pink colorfield

Blue rectangle

Emerald cube colorfield

Green energy colorfield

Emerald horizon colorfield

Green stacked colorfield

Green horizon colorfield

Green colorfield

Ice blue colorfield

Electric blue colorfield

Blue colorfield

Ice colorfield

Light green cubes monoprint

Green cubes

Snowy horizon

Blue rectangle monoprint

Nighttime colorfield

Pink colorfield