Sunday, March 18, 2018


The US Congress can propose any type of amendment at any time. If and when it does, it must then be ratified by the states (@75%+) in order to become law of the land. So why hasn't the Congress proposed tons of amendments already? Because it has been corrupted by private money and special interests. The reason the Article V Convention cannot and will not be controlled by the same money/interests is because delegates are proposing amendment language (a few lines of legal text) and cannot make a career out of it. They'll do it and go home, and then the ratification process of debate reveals what 8 out of 10 Americans can agree on--an end to gerrymandered voting districts, for instance.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Carousel Horse

Carousel Horses

Carousel Horse Print

This piece and others are by a Santa Barbara artist/printmaker Lois Carlisle.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Untitled Poem

(untitled poem)

And what is this motif
of omnipotence
so oft seen
on our movie screens?
Wonder Woman just did it—
pulsed a ring of energy
outward from her body
as a godlike entity. What
does it represent
when a character in a
narrative drops from the sky,
shattering a bit of Earth,
letting everyone know
who is in charge?
Surely it must be metaphor
of human spirit
set in materiality; surely it is
archetype of hidden power
in each and every