Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Monday, December 21, 2015

Solstice Poem

Solstice Poem

Relishing the tiniest day,
the day the Sun
stops on the horizon,
before Earth
tilts back to light;
the day everything turns
around for another round—
this tiny day—
from where
a year is born.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Poet To Muse, 2015

I don’t know if it was correct,
saying to you
that I’m too wild
for polite society,
or if I was describing
something with shame
only because
I didn’t understand
it myself.

Maybe it’s because nobody seems
to know what a poet is anymore,
and all my attempts have gone
failingly, or maybe it’s that
no one understands
how fierce some can be
to put to words what’s true—
the people, love and fear, and all that’s blue.

Should I even be writing this?
It’s so difficult to tell, it’s hard
to believe when
the society you’re a part of
no longer acknowledges you exist;
but maybe there is genius
behind obscurity,
and living to fight another day
while accepting what’s happened
to our kind.

Regardless of all that,
I wanted you to know
how badly I need to see
your sweet being again.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Late Poem: Poet To Muse, 2015

Poet To Muse, 2015

I don’t know if it was correct,
saying to you
that I’m too wild
for polite society,
or if I was describing
something with shame
only because
I didn’t understand
it myself.

Maybe it’s because nobody seems
to know what a poet is anymore,
and all my attempts have gone
failingly, or maybe it’s that
no one understands
how fierce some can be
to put to words what’s true—
the people, love and hate, and all that’s blue.

Should I even be writing this?
It’s so difficult to tell, it’s hard
to believe when
the society you’re a part of
no longer acknowledges you exist;
but maybe there is genius
behind obscurity,
and living to fight another day
while accepting what’s happened
to our kind.

Regardless of all that,
I wanted you to know
how badly I need to see

your sweet being again.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015