Saturday, April 19, 2014

Late Notes

Made extra money selling art, enough to make the trip to Hopiland. Read four books regarding the Hopi and have a good idea what's what regarding the prophecy and how it might work to our advantage. May be a fool's errand, but still think it's important in the grand narrative of things. Here in Flagstaff now, plan is to fast for a few days in the San Francisco Mountains, look over on and contemplate the mesas. Would be nice if something extraordinary happens, like finding the piece to the table M. left them, being visited by a Kat., something. It's crazy, I know, but as long as I know it's crazy, that makes it imaginative, bold, and maybe even something to set the Sun and Earth in agreement on where to go from here. If nothing else it's the final portion of raw material I'll work into a novel. Que sera sera.