Monday, March 3, 2014

Hopi Puzzle

Here is link to a dissertation (click, on right is link to pdf). Lots of interesting information--including insightful episodes such as Senator Barry Goldwater and a group called the Smokis. Last night I found the YouTube video. Today I called the Hopi Cultural Center and got some more information--by that I mean: How am I going to write about this, how am I going to bring living Hopis into awareness of what happened in the 1910s, and why they've been conditioned to be so secretive, and why that is not the Hopis way. The Hopis were taught what they were taught, not to keep it secret, but to help everyone else understand what it means to we the living--humanity. It is a puzzle, and I hope I'm able to put it together.

When I finished the last novel, I was always upset I did not include a short bit about the Hopis, based on what I knew then. The editor had persuaded me to drop it and I always lamented having done so. The novel I'm working on now will likely start with the protagonist talking about the Hopis.