Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Brain Sand and the Solstice

Brain Sand is known scientifically as corpora arenacea--crystal structures in the pineal gland, a small pine cone-shaped thing, middle of our brains. Mystic religions see the pineal gland as transmitter/receiver of all things psychic, i.e. the Third Eye. However one looks at it, the older you get the more Brain Sand you have so that it becomes visible on X-rays and is sometimes used as anatomical landmark for X-Rays. Brain Sand is made up of phosphate salts and calcite minerals. Calcite is of the trigonal crystal system, i.e. crystal the shape of quartz. I like that human beings have Brain Sand, in the grand scheme of things, somehow it makes sense. Salts and minerals, the lens between the real and the dreams. I’ve been thinking over this stuff for most of this year. Now it’s a new year.

The solstice occurs when the North Pole is tilted 23.5 degrees away from the Sun; the Arctic Circle is now in darkness, and the Antarctic Circle is now 24 hours daylight (66.5 degrees above/below latitude: 23.5 + 66.5 = 90 [90% angle to the Sun]). As a human being, sometimes you forget you’re walking around, laying down and sleeping, and then walking around again on a planet. The solstice is a great reminder. I so love the Sun’s light when Earth is tilted back.

I’ve always loved the colors the Sun creates, but over the years I’ve come to love the Sun itself as much as its affects and effects. This year I’m coming out as a Sun-Taoist--a new religion I invented. I treat the Sun like Christians treat their god. I thank it, talk to it, marvel at it. When I was Christian I would have considered it absurd--to worship the sun? God created the Sun! Why worship what was created when you could worship the creator? But since the Sun sustains life, and humanity is part of life and has gods, then isn’t it that the Sun created all gods? Humanity started talking about Jesus long after the Sun had been sustaining life. The Sun wins, at least that’s the way I see it. If you’re going to formulate a way to perceive creation and existence, why not with that entity that makes life possible at its center? The Sun--something so never-endingly magnificent and beautiful.

This year really has been another amazing year. I feel blessed to have had so many amazing years now. True, not all things have turned out, but I’m quite cognizant of how fortunate a life I’ve lived and am still living. I wouldn’t mind financial success with the Shakespeare book, so I could focus on new books and art, but now it’s 2012. Can you believe it? It’s really NOW when supposedly something--many things--everything--is going to change somehow. I hope it will be in line with the Maya and Hopi, the idea that it’s the end of one world and the beginning of another. I’m hoping it has to do with consciousness alone. If indeed it must be physical, then I hope it is the idea where Earth’s core flips, leaving the surface in its same positioning, as opposed to an entire pole-shift of Earth. Whether or not such things or anything else happens, I feel excited to live in this year, like each day is a heaven unto itself. That's how I’m going to view and live this year, each day a special day, a new day to thank the creator.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Late Notes, Just Before Christmas, 2011

“It looks like it really, really might come true.” I found myself thinking it again. A whole life of going on like that. Interesting. Time will tell.

Latest text I might send to the NYCGA:

The Constitutional  Convention Sub Group:

PAER is all about how to get money out of politics and arguably the biggest reform of all, removing private source code from tallying votes in public elections. Political/electoral reform needs to happen first, it’s the problem once fixed makes a bunch of others go away. And it’s non-partisan, which is nice. No rocket science.

With everything we know to be true today (such as members of Congress practicing insider trading in the People’s house), then of course, objectively, nothing short of the Article V Convention is a chance in hell of placing government back in the hands of the people.

Those who go vertigo in fear that a convention would produce social amendments, i.e. amendments to ban marriages, etc., are absurd. All history shows those fears irrational/illogical. You want 100% assurance that if we have a convention you’ll like/approve everything? Guess what asshole, you’re an asshole. We all have an idea what would be best right now. Until we gather in a convention we’ll never know what 75% of Americans actually approve of. If you’re American and afraid of finding out, you should shoot yourself in the head. Get it? It’s time for a convention. The time for half-measures and patches are over. Be a fascist if you want, evidence is the universe is against it.

If the administrators/moderators of PAER don’t fast-track Article V to a working group status to start work to bring about a convention, they have become the very thing all in solidarity with the movement are against.