Monday, November 9, 2009

Late Poem

A Reply To Sonnet 65

I know it’s been noted before how nothing--
not metal, not stone, not even the seas--
hold their own against this globe’s contract with time.

And I know the poet’s love has come and gone
for centuries, only to now shine for
you and me. You the muse, I the lover
who delights in and burns for who you are;
me the big spender of black ink
and unknown pages.

And I know it’s been noted before
that poetry may be nothing but
a facet of adolescence,
nothing but words
next to none care to know.

But I defy that, I forswear it; I renounce it all
and will bring it to its knees with me,
while holding close that
which still lives,
for you.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The First Post

This is the first post to this blog. I posted diaries over on Daily Kos for awhile, but the efforts there in regards to a political science project seemed to have run their course. I've been screwing around on Facebook, and now am wondering if this is the way to go. Of course I need to figure everything out, all the bells and whistles, etc.

Because like most writers and artists I'm fascinated by existence, humanity, and the objective truth as we know it this late moment, I chose a title to reflect that in the sense of consciousness and instinct journeying together on towards a horizon. I have definite ideas about who we are and where we came from, and I hope this blog will do well in articulating those things--alongside of poetry, photography, and whatever else makes its way across my mind. Hope you enjoy.